Get Real Estate Clients from Your SOI


Get Real Estate Clients from Your SOI

Your SOI - Sphere of Influence IS YOUR BUSINESS

Regardless of which lead generation strategy you employ, your sphere of influence should be the foundation for your business.

The highest return for your business will be through the people who know, like and trust you, and this should be your foundation. No other strategy will trump this resource.

Your sphere of influence (SOI) includes people who know, trust, and like you. You have authority over these people because of your relationship. Your family, friends, past co-workers, people you went to school with, parents of your kid's friends would all be a part of your SOI. Other people you have a relationship with also can be a part of your sphere.

Your sphere of influence is your business. When you routinely communicate with the people who know you and offer them value and contribution, your database becomes technology-proof, recession-proof, and competition-proof

People will view you as a resource in real estate when you methodically provide value and contribution to a group of people who know and like you. When they have a need or a friend of theirs has a need, the likelihood is high that they will rely on you.


To know more about Systemized Sphere of Influence Touches, get a copy of The Real Estate Evolution - The Ten Steps Guide to Consistent and Predictable Income