Most Salespeople Struggle 😵‍

CPI Coaching - Ideas and Instruction.

The CPI Business System Will Help You Find YOUR Way To No Broke Months

So You Have More Time, Money, And Ease.



CPI Coaching - Real Estate Agent Training.

For Real Estate Agents To Discover YOUR Way

To No Broke Months.

function updateText() { const now = new Date(); const easternTimeZoneOffset = -5; // Eastern Time Zone (EST/EDT) offset const currentHour = now.getUTCHours() + easternTimeZoneOffset; if ( now.getUTCDay() >= 1 && // Monday now.getUTCDay() <= 5 && // Friday currentHour >= 9 && // 9:00 AM currentHour < 9.5 // 9:30 AM ) { // Update the text document.getElementById('status-text').innerHTML = 'LIVE'; } else { // Reset the text to its default value document.getElementById('status-text').innerHTML = 'CLOSE'; } } // Call the updateText function every minute to check if the text should change setInterval(updateText, 60000)