Connect the Buyer with the Seller - Be a Fiduciary

Connect the Buyer with the Seller - Be a Fiduciary

As a real estate agent, your ultimate goal is to Connect the Buyer with the Seller. However, it's important to remember that your role is more than just a matchmaker. When you represent a buyer or a seller, you become their fiduciary, which means that you have a legal and ethical responsibility to act in their best interests.

When you represent a client, you owe them a higher duty of care than you do to a customer. The acronym OLD CAR can help you remember the duties that you owe to your clients.

Connect the Buyer with the Seller - Be a Fiduciary

When the buyer or seller hires you and becomes a client, your obligation to them includes:

Obedience – You will follow your client's instructions and do all the legal activities that they ask of you regarding helping them to buy, sell, or invest in a property.


Loyalty – You will place the client's interests in front of all others, including your own. If you or a close relative has any interest in a transaction that you represent, you must make sure that all parties understand your relationship with the property.


Disclosures – The agent is responsible for advising about the appropriate disclosures. These will differ from state to state, and your broker can advise on the documents that will be necessary.

 When in doubt, you should disclose.

Confidentiality – You never will share anything that you learn about your client without their permission, particularly knowledge that could hurt your client during a negotiation. Anything that you learn about their financial situation, personal matters, or motivation to buy or sell should not be shared.


Accounting – You will need to care for any money entrusted to you that is related to the transaction. For example, if you must hold money in escrow (a third-party account), the agent has an obligation not to mix personal funds with their private or business capital.


When you place money in escrow, you can release it in one of three ways:

  1. When the principals finish the transaction or exit the contract as previously agreed when they do not meet a contingency.

  2. Each party agrees to release the funds.

  3. A court tells all parties to disperse the money.

Reasonable care and due diligence – It would be best if you have a high degree of knowledge about real estate and understand the factors that drive the market. 

Care Owed to Client and Customer

 You must act in good faith and be fair and honest with both the client and the customer.

While you have a duty to act in the best interests of your client, you must also act in good faith and be fair and honest with both the client and the customer. This means that you must remain impartial and avoid any conflicts of interest that could compromise your ability to Connect the Buyer with the Seller.

By upholding your fiduciary duties and acting with integrity, you can build a strong reputation as a trustworthy and reliable real estate agent. This, in turn, can help you Connect the Buyer with the Seller more effectively and establish long-term relationships with your clients and customers.

Understanding Your Fiduciary Duties as a Real Estate Agent: Connect the Buyer with the Seller

As a real estate agent, it's important to understand the legal and ethical responsibilities that come with representing buyers and sellers. When you take on a client, you become their fiduciary, which means that you have a duty to act in their best interests.

You must also act in good faith and be fair and honest with both your client and customer. This means remaining impartial and avoiding conflicts of interest that could compromise your ability to Connect the Buyer with the Seller.

By understanding and upholding your fiduciary duties, you can establish a reputation as a trustworthy and reliable agent, build strong relationships with your clients and customers, and effectively Connect the Buyer with the Seller.

The Importance of Fiduciary Duties in Real Estate

Real estate transactions are complex, and buyers and sellers rely on the expertise of their agents to guide them through the process. As a real estate agent, it's crucial to understand your fiduciary duties and the role they play in building trust with your clients.

Maintaining confidentiality, for example, is a critical aspect of your fiduciary duties. Clients trust you with sensitive information, and you must keep that information private unless they give you permission to disclose it. Similarly, accounting for any money entrusted to you is crucial to ensure that your clients' funds are handled with care and accuracy.

By acting as a fiduciary, you can establish yourself as a trusted advisor to your clients. This reputation can help you build a loyal client base and generate referrals, as clients are more likely to recommend agents who have their best interests at heart.

In summary, understanding your fiduciary duties and fulfilling them is essential to building trust with your clients, achieving their goals, and ultimately, successfully Connecting the Buyer with the Seller.