PPC Instructions for Real Estate Agents



I ran an actively managed Google AdWords campaign for one year with poor results before I learned how to master them.

Years ago, my team and I generated many prospects through advertising on Craigslist. Other real estate agents began using this same approach and saturated Craigslist‘s pages with ads.

Craigslist changed their algorithm so consumers could not directly click through a property advertisement to your agent website; this no-cost approach of advertising on Craigslist went away.

Then we began advertising on Google Pay Per Click, and for a short time on Zillow. As other real estate agents used these same platforms more and more, Google and Zillow increased their prices and became cost-prohibitive.

The return on the investment no longer made sense, so we stopped advertising on those platforms. My conclusion was that there was a low return on investment for this method.

If you choose to explore this advertising option, you might consider getting someone to manage it for you. Word Stream is a company that does an outstanding job of managing an AdWords campaign.

You must methodically stay in touch with them during those two years.