The Truth About the Home-Buying Month


The Truth About the Home-Buying Month

Keep this in mind the next time you buy a home

The summer season will provide the shopping experience with satisfactory inventory while benefiting sellers' lower prices pre-fall.

According to Zillow's statistics, the most appropriate season to buy a house is during the late summer. This season will provide the shopping experience with satisfactory inventory while benefiting sellers' lower prices pre-fall. With this, we can conclude that the best month to purchase a home is August.

Also, buyers in winter or fall will have lesser options but more manageable prices, while summer or spring buyers have more options but less power to negotiate.


Other months have their edge when it comes to purchasing homes:

  • November (Better Price)

The period between fall and winter is the best opportunity for those on a budget.

  • April (More Options)

If you seek more options and have the capacity to pay a premium, spring and summer are the best periods to purchase a home, as April has the most up-to-date listings.

  • August (Selection and Price Cuts)

Most price cuts are evident during August, with inventory on a constant and healthy level. August is the last month in the period where listings are abundant.