How to Promote Yourself as a Real Estate Agent


The Art Of Promoting Yourself

Brand yourself on social media

You probably do not have a team of fifteen people ready to respond to local happenings, but you still can benefit from using social media. Smart use of social media allows you to reach a targeted group in a manner that other media does not offer.

You can use social media to your advantage in many ways. You should select a few strategies and then put them into a system.

Facebook and LinkedIn both have groups where you can provide value as a professional. Find a group that you enjoy and then become an active member.

Remember that your job in the group is to provide value that relates to the group's members. You should not promote yourself or services actively, yet you should be a resource. For example, if you belong to a local mom's group and a member seeks a connection to a contractor, you could make the introduction.

Through time, you will become known as the resource for real estate-related needs. When someone is in the market to buy a home, sell a home, or invest in real estate, you likely will be mentioned by members you have helped in the past.