Posts tagged Self Improvements
How To Master Conversation In Real Estate

As a real estate agent, communication is something we constantly do every single day. It’s our #1 skill to master that can help us achieve our sales goals. Unfortunately, a lot of salespeople struggle with it. So in today's real estate training, we will talk about how to master communication and what it looks like in reality.

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Taking Blame For Your Actions

Taking responsibility differs depending on the person. Many people think that the things that occur in their lives can be in or out of their control. The problem is that they lose the chance to improve themselves because they blame the situation and let it control them. Today, we will discuss the importance of Ultimate Responsibility and how to apply it to your life.

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Habit 7 - How To Take Planned Breaks As a Real Estate Agent

When I started selling real estate, I almost always worked. I seldom took time off to plan or think. Throughout the years, I have learned that if you stay in action most of the time, you cannot be as effective as you think you are. Let's dive in and talk about the importance of taking planned breaks.

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